I am the Janice and Julian Bers Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, affiliated with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). In 2024, I received the Mark Kleiman award for innovation in criminal justice policy from the National Academy of Sciences. My research aims to inform the design and evaluation of criminal justice policies. My fields of study are labor, public, and law and economics.
My work has been published or accepted for publication in journals such as Science, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, AEJ: Applied, NYU Law Review, or Penn Law Review. You can find a list of my research here.
I graduated from Harvard University with a PhD in Economics. Before joining Penn, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Chicago Crime Lab. I hold a BA in Economics and Sociology from Ecole Normale Superieure, and an MA in Economics from the Paris School of Economics. You can find a copy of my CV here.
If you would like to contact me, please email aouss@upenn.edu.